Gain practical skills and employer-focused training tailored to 2025 standards for $149.99
All CANSWA members have liability insurance, verified background checks, and credentials.
Select a membership below to register or renew.
Our goal is to make the Support Worker a profession of choice in the Health Care field and not just as a stepping stone.
This applies to any care provider that operates in more than one province (excluding Quebec) or has more than one million in annual revenue.
The CANSWA Entrepreneurial Membership is a great new way to offer security and peace of mind to you and your clients.
CANSWA is proud to offer all Support Worker Students a FREE Membership to the association for their time in school.
In partnership with Nurturing Our Wellbeing Inc., our members have access to Mental Heath Consultation, Emotional Wellness Modules, Workplace Stress Management & Interactive Webinars.
What is Trauma? – Trauma is a term to describe single or multiple distressing events that may have long lasting and harmful effects on a person’s physical and/or emotional well-being. There is a direct correlation between trauma and physical health conditions such as diabetes, COPD, heart disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.
CANSWA is the Professional Association for Personal Support Workers, Health Care Aids, Personal Care Aids, Personal Care Assistants, Home Support Workers, and any other frontline Health Care worker within Canada.
Individuals who work front line in Long Term Care, Community Care, Home Care, Retirement Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Group Homes, and all other places of employment with such job-related duties.